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Black Lightning - 01x01 - The Resurrection
Black Lightning - 01x02 - LaWanda: The Book of Hope
Black Lightning - 01x03 - LaWanda: The Book of Burial
Black Lightning - 01x04 - Black Jesus
Black Lightning - 01x05 - And Then the Devil Brought the Plague: The Book of Green Light
Black Lightning - 01x06 - Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder
Black Lightning - 01x07 - Equinox: The Book of Fate
Black Lightning - 01x08 - Revelations
Black Lightning - 01x09 - The Book of Little Black Lies
Black Lightning - 01x10 - Sins of the Father: The Book of Redemption
Black Lightning - 01x11 - Black Jesus: The Book of Crucifixion
Black Lightning - 01x12 - The Resurrection and the Light: The Book of Pain
Black Lightning - 01x13 - Shadow of Death: The Book of War
Black Lightning - 02x01 - The Book of Consequences: Chapter One: The Rise of the Green Light Babies
Black Lightning - 02x02 - The Book of Consequences: Chapter Two: Black Jesus Blue
Black Lightning - 02x03 - The Book of Consequences: Chapter Three: Master Lowry
Black Lightning - 02x04 - The Book of Consequences: Chapter Four: Translucent Freak
Black Lightning - 02x05 - The Book of Blood: Chapter One: Requiem
Black Lightning - 02x06 - The Book of Blood: Chapter Two: The Perdi
Black Lightning - 02x07 - The Book of Blood: Chapter Three: The Sange
Black Lightning - 02x08 - The Book of Rebellion: Chapter One: Exodus
Black Lightning - 02x09 - The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Two: Gift of the Magi
Black Lightning - 02x10 - The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Three: Angelitos Negros
Black Lightning - 02x11 - The Book of Secrets: Chapter One: Prodigal Son
Black Lightning - 02x12 - The Book of Secrets: Chapter Two: Just and Unjust
Black Lightning - 02x13 - The Book of Secrets: Chapter Three: Pillar of Fire
Black Lightning - 02x14 - The Book of Secrets: Chapter Four: Original Sin
Black Lightning - 02x15 - The Book of the Apocalypse: Chapter One: The Alpha
Black Lightning - 02x16 - The Book of the Apocalypse: Chapter Two: The Omega
Black Lightning - 03x01 - The Book of Occupation: Chapter One: Birth of Blackbird
Black Lightning - 03x02 - The Book of Occupation: Chapter Two: Maryam's Tasbih
Black Lightning - 03x03 - The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three: Agent Odell's Pipe-Dream
Black Lightning - 03x04 - The Book of Occupation: Chapter Four: Lynn's Ouroboros
Black Lightning - 03x05 - The Book of Occupation: Chapter Five: Requiem For Tavon
Black Lightning - 03x06 - The Book of Resistance: Chapter One: Knocking on Heaven's Door
Black Lightning - 03x07 - The Book of Resistance: Chapter Two: Henderson's Opus
Black Lightning - 03x08 - The Book of Resistance: Chapter Three: The Battle of Franklin Terrace
Black Lightning - 03x09 - The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis
Black Lightning - 03x10 - The Book of Markovia: Chapter One: Blessings and Curses Reborn
Black Lightning - 03x11 - The Book of Markovia: Chapter Two: Lynn's Addiction
Black Lightning - 03x12 - The Book of Markovia: Chapter Three: Motherless ID
Black Lightning - 03x13 - The Book of Markovia: Chapter Four: Grab the Strap
Black Lightning - 03x14 - The Book of War: Chapter One: Homecoming
Black Lightning - 03x15 - The Book of War: Chapter Two: Freedom Ain't Free
Black Lightning - 03x16 - The Book of War: Chapter Three: Liberation
Black Lightning - 04x01 - The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter One: Collateral Damage
Black Lightning - 04x02 - The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter Two: Unacceptable Losses
Black Lightning - 04x03 - The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter Three: Despite All My Rage...
Black Lightning - 04x04 - The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter Four: A Light in the Darkness
Black Lightning - 04x05 - The Book of Ruin: Chapter One: Picking Up the Pieces
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