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31 results found

Sophie - 01x01 - The Tornado
Sophie - 01x02 - Sophie's home
Sophie - 01x03 - Groove Thing
Sophie - 01x04 - Birth Control
Sophie - 01x05 - Dr. Who?
Sophie - 01x06 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
Sophie - 01x07 - Checking Sophie Out
Sophie - 01x08 - Ze Boy Next Door
Sophie - 01x09 - Mommy Dearest
Sophie - 01x10 - Single White Female
Sophie - 01x11 - Door Number 2
Sophie - 02x01 - Sophie's Choice
Sophie - 02x02 - It's My Party
Sophie - 02x03 - Between Rick and a Hard Place
Sophie - 02x04 - Robbing the Grave
Sophie - 02x05 - The Casting Grouch
Sophie - 02x06 - Bad Back to the Future
Sophie - 02x07 - The Lost Weekend
Sophie - 02x08 - Who's Your Daddy
Sophie - 02x09 - Bursting Balloons
Sophie - 02x10 - Trust or Bust
Sophie - 02x11 - An Outing with Sophie
Sophie - 02x12 - The Ex Beau Incident
Sophie - 02x13 - Benched
Sophie - 02x14 - You've Got Fe mail
Sophie - 02x15 - Burning Bridgets
Sophie and the Rising Sun (2016)
Sophie: A Murder in West Cork - 01x01 - The World Turned Upside Down
Sophie: A Murder in West Cork - 01x02 - The Suspect
Sophie: A Murder in West Cork - 01x03 - Justice
Sophie's Choice (1982)
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