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50 results found

Merlin - 01x01 - The Dragon s Call
Merlin - 01x02 - Valiant
Merlin - 01x03 - The Mark of Nimueh
Merlin - 01x04 - The Poisoned Chalice
Merlin - 01x05 - Lancelot
Merlin - 01x06 - A Remedy To Cure All Ills
Merlin - 01x07 - The Gates Of Avalon
Merlin - 01x08 - The Beginning Of The End
Merlin - 01x09 - Excalibur
Merlin - 01x10 - The Moment Of Truth
Merlin - 01x11 - The Labyrinth of Gedref
Merlin - 01x12 - To Kill The King
Merlin - 01x13 - Le Morte d'Arthur
Merlin - 02x01 - The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
Merlin - 02x02 - The Once and Future Queen
Merlin - 02x03 - The Nightmare Begins
Merlin - 02x04 - Lancelot and Guinevere
Merlin - 02x05 - Beauty and the Beast (1)
Merlin - 02x06 - Beauty and the Beast (2)
Merlin - 02x07 - The Witchfinder
Merlin - 02x08 - The Sins of the Father
Merlin - 02x09 - The Lady of the Lake
Merlin - 02x10 - Sweet Dreams
Merlin - 02x11 - The Witch's Quickening
Merlin - 02x12 - The Fires of Idirsholas
Merlin - 02x13 - The Last Dragonlord
Merlin - 03x01 - The Tears of Uther Pendragon (Part 1)
Merlin - 03x02 - The Tears of Uther Pendragon (Part Two)
Merlin - 03x03 - Goblin`s Gold
Merlin - 03x04 - Gwaine
Merlin - 03x05 - The Crystal Cave
Merlin - 03x06 - The Changeling
Merlin - 03x07 - The castle of fyerien
Merlin - 03x08 - The Eye Of The Phoenix
Merlin - 03x09 - Love In The Time Of Dragons
Merlin - 03x10 - Queen Of Hearts
Merlin - 03x11 - The Sorcerer's Shadow
Merlin - 03x12 - The coming of Arthur
Merlin - 03x13 - The Coming of Arthur: Part 2
Merlin - 04x01 - The Darkest Hour Part 1 of 2
Merlin - 04x02 - The Darkest Hour Part 2 of 2
Merlin - 04x03 - The Wicked Day
Merlin - 04x04 - Aithusa
Merlin - 04x05 - His Father's Son
Merlin - 04x06 - A Servant Of Two Masters
Merlin - 04x07 - The Secret Sharer
Merlin - 04x08 - Lamia
Merlin - 04x09 - Lancelot Du Lac
Merlin - 04x10 - A Herald Of The New Age
Merlin - 04x11 - The Hunter's Heart
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