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Versions created (newest 100)
Masters of Sex - 03x08 - Surrogates
Masters of Sex - 03x05 - Matters Of Gravity
Masters of Sex - 03x03 - The Excitement Of Release
Orange is the New Black - 03x09 - Where My Dreidel At
Masters of Sex - 03x02 - Three's A Crowd
Dark Matter - 01x04 - Episode Four
Dark Matter - 01x06 - Episode Six
Dark Matter - 01x05 - Episode Five
Orange is the New Black - 03x07 - Tongue-Tied
Masters of Sex - 03x01 - Parliament Of Owls
Masters of Sex - 03x01 - Parliament Of Owls
Orange is the New Black - 03x06 - Ching Chong Chang
Orange is the New Black - 03x04 - Finger In The Dyke
Orphan Black - 03x10 - History Yet To Be Written
Orphan Black - 03x10 - History Yet To Be Written
Dark Matter - 01x02 - Episode Two
Orange is the New Black - 03x03 - Empathy Is a Boner Killer
Orphan Black - 03x09 - Insolvent Phantom of Tomorrow
Orphan Black - 03x08 - Ruthless in Purpose, and Insidious in Method
Orphan Black - 03x08 - Ruthless in Purpose, and Insidious in Method
Orphan Black - 03x07 - Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate
Orphan Black - 03x07 - Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate
Orphan Black - 03x05 - Scarred by Many Past Frustrations
Orphan Black - 03x05 - Scarred by Many Past Frustrations
Orphan Black - 03x04 - Newer Elements of Our Defense
Orphan Black - 03x04 - Newer Elements of Our Defense
Forever (2014) - 01x22 - The Last Death of Henry Morgan
Orphan Black - 03x03 - Formalized, Complex, and Costly
Orphan Black - 03x01 - The Weight of This Combination
12 Monkeys - 01x13 - Arms of Mine
Forever (2014) - 01x19 - Punk Is Dead
Forever (2014) - 01x18 - Dead Men Tell Long Tales
Glee - 06x12 - 2009
Glee - 06x13 - Dreams Come True
Glee - 06x13 - Dreams Come True
Bates Motel - 03x02 - The Arcanum Club
Glee - 06x11 - We Built This Glee Club
Glee - 06x11 - We Built This Glee Club
Glee - 06x10 - The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
Glee - 06x10 - The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
Forever (2014) - 01x17 - Social Engineering
12 Monkeys - 01x07 - The Keys
Forever (2014) - 01x16 - Memories of Murder
Glee - 06x08 - A Wedding
Glee - 06x08 - A Wedding
Glee - 06x07 - Transitioning
Glee - 06x07 - Transitioning
Forever (2014) - 01x15 - The King of Columbus Circle
Glee - 06x06 - What the World Needs Now
Glee - 06x06 - What the World Needs Now
Glee - 06x01 - Loser Like Me
Glee - 06x01 - Loser Like Me
Glee - 06x04 - The Hurt Locker, Part One
Glee - 06x05 - The Hurt Locker, Part Two
Glee - 06x05 - The Hurt Locker, Part Two
Glee - 06x04 - The Hurt Locker, Part One
Glee - 06x03 - Jagged Little Tapestry
Glee - 06x03 - Jagged Little Tapestry
Forever (2014) - 01x13 - Diamonds Are Forever
Glee - 06x02 - Homecoming
Glee - 06x02 - Homecoming
Forever (2014) - 01x12 - The Wolves of Deep Brooklyn
Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce - 01x01 - Rule No. 23: Never Lie to the Kids
Forever (2014) - 01x10 - The Man in the Killer Suit
Forever (2014) - 01x09 - 6 A.M.
The Knick - 01x10 - Crutchfield
Forever (2014) - 01x05 - The Pugilist Break
The Knick - 01x09 - The Golden Lotus
Forever (2014) - 01x04 - The Art of Murder
The Knick - 01x08 - Working Late a Lot
Forever (2014) - 01x03 - The Fountain of Youth
The Knick - 01x07 - Get the Rope
Masters of Sex - 02x12 - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Forever (2014) - 01x02 - Look Before You Leap
Masters of Sex - 02x11 - One For The Money, Two For The Show
Masters of Sex - 02x10 - Below the Belt
The Knick - 01x05 - They Capture the Heat
Masters of Sex - 02x09 - Story Of My Life
The Knick - 01x04 - Where's the Dignity
Forever (2014) - 01x01 - Pilot
Masters of Sex - 02x07 - Asterion
The Knick - 01x03 - The Busy Flea
Masters of Sex - 02x06 - Blackbird
The Knick - 01x02 - Mr. Paris Shoes
Masters of Sex - 02x05 - Giants
The Knick - 01x01 - Method and Madness (Pilot)
Rush (2014) - 01x04 - We Are Family
Masters of Sex - 02x04 - Dirty Jobs
Masters of Sex - 02x03 - Fight
Masters of Sex - 02x02 - Kyrie Eleison
Masters of Sex - 02x01 - Parallax
Orphan Black - 02x10 - By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried
Orphan Black - 02x09 - Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done
Orphan Black - 02x07 - Knowledge of Causes and Secret Motion of Things
Orphan Black - 02x06 - To Hound Nature In Her Wanderings
Orphan Black - 02x05 - Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est
Glee - 05x20 - The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Orphan Black - 02x04 - Governed as It Were by Chance
Glee - 05x19 - Old Dog New Tricks
Orphan Black - 02x03 - Mingling Its Own Nature with It
Episodes created (newest 100)
Episodes edited (newest 100)
Orphan Black - 03x01 - The Weight of This Combination
6 change(s)
Forever (2014) - 01x19 - Punk Is Dead
3 change(s)
Forever (2014) - 01x11 - Skinny Dipper
1 change(s)
Forever (2014) - 01x10 - The Man in the Killer Suit
2 change(s)
Forever (2014) - 01x08 - The Ecstacy of Agony
2 change(s)
Forever (2014) - 01x06 - The Frustrating Thing About Psychopaths
2 change(s)
Forever (2014) - 01x04 - The Art of Murder
2 change(s)
Forever (2014) - 01x03 - The Fountain of Youth
2 change(s)
Orange is the New Black - 03x07 - Tongue-Tied
2 change(s)
The Knick - 01x08 - Working Late a Lot
2 change(s)
The Knick - 01x05 - They Capture the Heat
2 change(s)
The Knick - 01x01 - Method and Madness (Pilot)
2 change(s)
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